Tips for adapting to varifocals

TIPS for adapting to varifocals

Time: Adjusting to new varifocals requires some time and it is the only way to overcome the issues that are associated with the new prescription glasses. You need to give ample time to your brain as well as the eyes to focus and become habitual to the new varifocals.

Wear full time:  Wear your glasses, varifocals all the time and you will feel your eyes are adjusting quicker.

Avoid your previous pair: Two steps forwards, one step back. You are well adapted to these already. Like worn shoes, they may feel more comfortable than the new ones but after a period the new ones will feel just as comfortable.

Buy Good (Digital Freeform) Varifocals

Conventional Varifocals                                  Digital Freeform Varifocals


Coventional varifocals do not account for the eye movement dynamics.This means power can vary in different eye gaze directions.

With Freeform lenses:

Every point in the lens is adapted to the individual’s eyes

Entire lens is of the correct prescription

Superior optical quality. HD vision

Progressive lenses achieve optimum vision in the far (including lateral far), intermediate and near regions.

Opt for advanced coatings: Digitally advanced glasses have become a necessity in today’s world to protect eyes from blue light, glares, reflections and UV rays. For those who work on computers for extended hours or similar digital screen devices, it is highly recommended to use lenses with blue light blocking features along with the anti-glare coating. 

At Glasses Outlet we use HOYA digital freeform lenses. Hoya's anti-reflective, blue control coatings come with a 2 year manufacturer's protection against coating defects.